
Promoters must take appropriate actions against Market Manipulation.

If SEBI doesn't take quick actions against Market Manipulators then Promoter has to take appropriate actions against Market Manipulators to maintain the Investors confidence level.

How to punish Market Manipulators.

Step 1: Find out the line of action of MM by consulting the Experts of market (Those who has knowledge of all kind of speculative activities)

Step 2: Prepare the Line of Actions in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Regulator of Market (MM are always take the advantages of weak features of Conducting system.)

Step 3: Put your plan in actions as early as possible. (If you go to SEBI or CBI it will take much more time to resolve the issue, which may broken your investor confidence level.) Your action must be in lie with your company fundamentals.

Note: We have full proof action plan, 'How to teach lesions to Market Manipulators'.